Tuesday, 3 November 2015

What Is the Difference Between an Essay, a Dissertation and a Thesis?

These three assignment types; essays, dissertations and theses are all important to students because at some point in the life of a student, there will be the request to complete at least one of the assignment types listed above!
Essays, dissertations and theses are all types of academic documents, produced by scholars and students and based on a specific question, subject matter or dilemma. They are used by colleges, schools, sixth forms and Universities as a means of determining how well a student is performing in a certain subject area and how well they have grasped crucial knowledge about a particular subject. And yet essays, dissertations and theses' are also often used to see how well a student is able to respond to specific questions on a particular subject matter and how well developed their skills are in terms of actually writing essays.
So what exactly is an essay? What is a dissertation? And what is a thesis?
The online dictionary defines an essay as; '(a) a short literary composition on a literary subject, usually presenting the personal view of the author, (b) something resembling such a composition.'
The online dictionary goes on to define a dissertation as; 'a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research, usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree.'
And finally a thesis shares the same definition as a dissertation on the online dictionary website, with one crucial difference; a thesis is usually longer than a dissertation.
So ultimately an essay, a dissertation and a thesis all share many traits:
- They are all literary compositions; that is to say that they are written documents or pieces of text.
- They all reflect in some way the author's point of view.
- They are all based on some form of research.
- They are all discussing some form of topic or subject matter.
- They can all be used as a means of academic testing.
However, there are differences between these three academic assignment types, and when you are completing either an essay, a dissertation or a thesis it is important to know what it is that defines the document as either one of these forms or assignment types so that you can ensure that you approach the completion of the document correctly.
Some of the main differences separating out these three document types are:
- Essays are generally shorter than dissertations and theses.
- Essays are usually used to explore an argument or to provide more information on a particular subject. Thus you'll find that most essay questions start with 'who, what, where, how or why'. They are looking for a conclusion to be drawn by the author, following an assessment of research that is already available.
- Dissertations are usually looking for the author to find new evidence to draw a conclusion about a specific subject matter, as the definition states, to 'advance a new point of view'. This means that dissertations are looking to add to the research pool on a specific subject, not simply discuss research that is already available.
- Theses usually hold the same aims and goals as dissertations, but the level of exploration and investigation into a particular subject matter is greater, and so the length of a thesis is generally longer than that of a dissertation.
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How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay in Less Than 30 Minutes

An assignment to write a 5 paragraph essay may seem challenging at first, but when broken down into pieces, it is much easier and should be fun and enjoyable. Otherwise, the outcome may be not be what you, your teacher or your parents desired, such as poor grades, anxiety and frustration. Listed here are 4 great tips on how to organize and write a 5 paragraph essays in less than 30 minutes.
1. Essay structure
It is important to have the correct structure for your essay to help organize your thoughts and ideas, and because doing so helps prevent writing off topic or wasting time. Failing to have the correct essay structure can certainly cause you confusion and will make the process seem more difficult. The 5 paragraph structure consists of an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion.
2. Introduction
The introduction must tell your reader about the topic, but it must also have an attention grabbing sentence, or hook, to get the reader interested. This is usually about something difficult or challenging. Once you form the attention grabbing sentence, then you are ready for your thesis sentence, which simply states what you are about to tell your reader. The thesis sentence is the last sentence in the introduction. Now you will want to think of 3 point, ideas or experiences related to your thesis statement.
3. Body Paragraphs
Next, when writing a 5 paragraph essay, you must have three (3) paragraphs in the body of the essay. In each paragraph explain in detail one of the three ideas or experiences related to your thesis statement. This structure helps keep the essay on topic and interesting for your reader.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion is the simplest paragraph when writing a 5 paragraph essay. The last sentence in your introduction paragraph becomes the first sentence in your conclusion paragraph. The next sentence includes your three points or ideas. Finally, you have the concluding sentence that wraps is all up.
Listed above are 4 great tips on how to organize and write a 5 paragraph essay. The introduction, body and conclusion are the essential elements of any 5 paragraph essay. Using the strategies above, you will avoid confusion and frustration and achieve the grades you desire.
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FOREX Education - Want to Win? Don't Pay Attention To The News!

The rise of the internet has seen more news and FOREX education than ever before become available to traders and it's available instantly, but it won't help you make money.
In fact if you try and trade by utilizing news stories you will lose and a simple fact will explain why:
Consider this:
50 years ago around 90% of traders lost all their money and this figure remains the same today 90%.
This is despite the huge range of new tools and breaking online news that is available to help traders - the ratio still remains the same.
The reason for this is an important part of your FOREX education:
Markets move to the following equation
Market fundamentals + Investor Perception = Price movement.
We all see the news but it is the way all the investors interpret it that is important.
The market is a discounting mechanism and all the news instantly is reflected in the fundamentals.
If you see experts talking on the TV or writing stories, then this information is discounted - The arguments may sound convincing, but that is what the media does sell stories.
The experts who put out stories are not traders and their more often than not dead wrong.
If it was easy to trade off news stories, a lot more traders would make money and the fact is they don't.
By listening to the news and acting upon it you will lose.
Let's go back to the equation:
Market fundamentals + Investor perception = Price movement
As the market is instantly discounting news we can simply assume all fundamentals and news is instantly reflected in price action.
All you need to do is follow price action and focus on investor perception of the fundamentals.
This makes a technical approach ignoring the news the best way to trade the markets.
As investor psychology is constant, repetitive chart patterns can be spotted and acted upon.
If you try and use the news you will simply lose.
Consider the fact that markets collapse when the fundamentals are most bullish and rally when they are most bearish and you will see that trying to act of the news is a waste of time.
How many times do you see a market ignore the news and go the other way?
It happens all the time.
Will Rogers famously said:
"I only believe what I read in the papers"
He was joking, but many FOREX traders actually do believe what they read and think they can trade off it and lose.
The market is a discounting mechanism and trying to trade off news stories will most likely see you fail.
So if you want to make money trading FOREX keep in mind this important bit of FOREX Education
Understand the past, think in the present and look to the future.
You can do this by simply following technical analysis and see future trend changes people listening to the news will never see.
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Academic Essays

How to Write a Long Essay and How to Expand Your Essays When You Are Not Meeting the Word Count

1) Begin your writing with a brainstorm session. Jot down as many different topics and angles that you can write from. For each topic write three paragraphs, for each paragraph write three sentences. This rule of 3 is a simple rule of thumb to use for any writing.
2) Add good quotes. If you are referencing another person or work, add quotes to fill in space. When you insert a quote, you should then describe or explain the meaning of the quote, again this is a very effective word filler.
3) Read words randomly from a thesaurus. That's right, I said read a thesaurus. The reason for this is that reading a thesaurus (or dictionary) will jog your memory. As your read random words you will discover new angles and sub-topics that you can write about. Try it for yourself.
4) Leave the essay or assignment and go and do something else. This 'fresh eyes' approach will give you time for the subject to mature in your mind. Go for a walk, watch a movie or get out of the office. Regular breaks like this will leave you feeling refreshed and is sometimes the fastest way to progress your writing.
5) Talk to others about your topic. Have a robust discussion with friends and family can stimulate your thinking. Explain to them what you are writing about and have them come up with things that you hadn't considered. I find that this works best when there are at least three people. They all begin to feed of each others ideas and you end up with other things to write about.
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Score Well in Competitive Exams With SAT Ebooks

SAT is a standardized exam taken for obtaining admission in a US undergraduate college. It is a competitive test given by students from across the world, who wishes to be a part of some of the best colleges in the world. The name of this test has changed several times, from Scholastic Aptitude Test to Scholastic Assessment Test, and so has the pattern of scoring. Today, the acronym does not stand for anything.
A lot of preparation is required to perform well in this exam. Students spend a few years planning and preparing for these tests through SAT ebooks. Currently the test is for 3 hours and 45 minutes, and scores range from 600 to 2400. Three sections of mathematics, critical reading and writing are included, of 800 points each.
Along with memorizing concepts, taking tests is also important, so that the requisite practice can be gained. The exams are held online, which is different from writing on paper. SAT ebooks from McGraw-Hill has 4 practice tests inside, and 2 more that are online, to give students an all round perspective on the test.
Mathematics is a subject that is feared by many students during high school. The reason could be that concepts have been learned, but enough practice has not been achieved, or vice versa. Students must make sure that they take several full length Level 2 sample tests, without worrying about results. Explanations are usually given in various books, which have been prepared by mathematics experts.
One of the important things to study is to get familiarized with some of the trends observed in this competitive exam. The level of English is quite high in these exams, with a lot of emphasis on vocabulary. Several words that have been given in previous versions of this exam are outlined in certain SAT ebooks, and can give provide some understanding on the types of words asked.
Questions in the SAT are multiple choice-based, except for the essay and the grid-in mathematics section. Five choices are given, out of which the correct one is to be highlighted. For correct answers, on point is given, whereas one-fourth of a point is deducted for incorrect answers.
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How to Start a Restaurant - Do You Really Need an Extensive Academic Background?

Almost all business schools, colleges and universities teach their students how to do feasibility studies, marketing plans, production plans, and financial analysis papers because these are the documents that will determine whether a certain business will prosper or not. These documents give a glimpse of the present - what you have and what you can do with it - and the future - what might happen with the things you have right now. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to enter college and master the craft of business planning.
Ironically, many of the most successful businesses - especially food businesses such as restaurants and catering services - are owned by people who either do not have a business degree, or do not have a degree per se. This only proves that to know how to start a restaurant, you do not really need extensive academic background in business and finance. For tips on how to start a restaurant, keep reading.
People who know how to start a restaurant know that having the much needed capital is the very first step in achieving this goal. The capital may be drawn from a loan from a bank or a financial institution, or it may be from the owner's personal funds. When the sufficient funds are collected, what's best to do now is to think of the kind of food you want to sell in your restaurant. It is good to start with the simple complete meals first, before exploring more complicated options, such as the food served in formal cuisines.
Once you know what kind of food you want to sell, the next thing you want to learn in order to know how to start a restaurant is to get a location that has a lot of foot traffic. By foot traffic, we mean the number of people who normally pass by on that area. Choose a place where many people pass by; that way, you can market the food in your restaurant easier. Once you have all these, you are almost certain that you truly know how to start a restaurant. What's left to do now is to prove it to yourself that you truly can open your own food establishment.
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Technical Writing Programs - Oklahoma State University's Technical Writing Program

Enrolling in a college-level certification program in Technical Writing might be time consuming and not that cheap either but it's an idea you might certainly consider. There are some excellent certificate programs offered by different universities in the United States if you are just starting out in your career.
Oklahoma State University (OSU)'s Technical Writing Program is one of the best available in the United States since its early beginnings back in 1977. The students get an BA, MA or Ph.D. degree, which are actually English degrees "with a specialization in Technical Writing."
The OSU program boasts 5 lecturers, an Assistant Director, a Visiting Assistant Professor and Coordinator, and a full Program Director and Professor of Technical Writing.
The students learn how to write technical reports, write web site content, write manuals, tutorials, and résumés, conduct field interviews. The program exposes "students to the tools and time demands they will face in the profession" Plus "in this program, students can expect to hear expert speakers and get plenty of hands-on learning."
Here are some of the B.A. level courses offered at OSU (all 3 credits):
English 3223 -- Technical Communication Criticism & Theory
English 3323 -- Technical Writing
English 4523 -- Technical Writing Internship
English 4533 -- Advanced Technical Writing
English 4543 -- Technical Editing
M.A. level courses include:
ENGL 5513 -- Introduction to Technical Communication
ENGL 5520 -- Internship in Technical Writing (6 credits)
ENGL 5593 -- Technical Style and Editing
If I were a high school graduate today looking for a college program to attend for a technical communication career, I'd definitely give the OSU program an honest thought.
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5 Ways to Pay for Your Bar Exam Preparation Course!

As most of you know...
I am a recent graduate and of course I am studying for my bar exam this summer. I was fortunate to receive a full scholarship to take a BarBri course offered through my state "Bar Review School." Now, it surprised me to know that when I mentioned this on Twitter, a lot of students were not aware that many Bar Prep companies offer financial assistance. Naturally, I am sure they don't publicize this information because getting that $1200-$2000 from you is wayyy more pleasing.
Well, I will let the cat out of the bag! There are several ways to obtain financial assistance for a bar preparation course...
1) Campus Rep - The first and likely most obvious way is to become a campus representative for one of the major programs (KaplanPMBR or BarBri). Campus reps will have their course paid for or significantly reduced.
2) Procrastinate! - Another way is to forego all those hassling emails and "tabling" events they do throughout the school year, and wait till about April or May to sign up for a course. I know that reps for BarBri sent emails reducing the price of the class after the supposed "deadlines" had passed.
3) Check around and READ the fine print - As I mentioned above, I stumbled across a scholarship that was being sponsored by our state bar association and my law school. It wasn't highly publicized and it was in one e-mail blast sent by our career development office during finals time when people were less than concerned about emails. Check with your law school and state bar association to see if they offer a reduced rate or even scholarships (generally a refund of the course fees) to take a review course that has been approved by them. Also, in the really small print on a lot of the ads and emails for these bar prep programs, they do state there is financial assistance available (payment plan or tuition reduction). *Themis Bar even ran a contest to blog your bar prep experience and get a free course!
4) Get a sponsor! - If you are part of the lucky few who have obtained employment or have interviews lined up prior to graduation, negotiate your deal to where your employer pays for you to take the bar exam and possibly a prep course. Or at least ask for some assistance! Closed mouths don't get fed, and you know you're worth it!
5) Take your school's bar prep class - A lot of the lower-tier schools offer their own in-house bar review course. I took the one offered by my school and it was a major help in relieving some of my fear in taking the bar exam. I pushed myself and took the course seriously (even though it was pass/fail, and all you had to do was show up!) I knew my financial situation and that I was likely not going to be able to shell out the $1,200-1,600 for a bar prep class in my state. So if you can stay disciplined and do the work, I would definitely advise taking the bar prep class offered by your school and save yourself a few dollars!
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